Letters to the EditorMexico

In Response to: “In El Paso, President Obama renews immigration debate, argues humane policy would aid economy”

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In Your May 11 article, “In El Paso, President Obama renews immigration debate, argues humane policy would aid economy,” It was disappointing to read that President Obama chose to pander to Latino voters by supporting an ex parte “overhaul” of the U.S. immigration system in El Paso. One would think that regardless of the oft-debated statistics concerning illegal immigration, which are ritualistically cited by colleagues of mine, any type of “overhaul” that offers illegal immigrants a path to citizenship is tantamount to rewarding them for breaking this country’s laws.

And whether immigrants, once here, actually benefit our economy is almost beyond argument. The issue itself remains much simpler; the underlying principle behind immigration overhaul – in any form – is of the utmost importance. Such a policy, once implemented, demonstrates to illegal immigrants that the U.S. doesn’t take its immigration measures very seriously. If the U.S. does not take a strong stance on its immigration policy, it could result in lax applicability of such laws in the future. I would hope to see that our President stop placating illegals with promises of amnesty, solely for potential support in his upcoming election. Instead, he should continue to uphold this country’s sovereign laws as they were originally delivered him.

Winston Hanks
Research Associate at Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)