
Minc’s challenge

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SIR – You argue that the resignation of Marina Silva from the Brazilian government has unleashed a multitude of concerns within environmental circles worldwide over the commitment of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s administration to preserving the Amazon (“Marina marches off”, May 15th). Although Ms Silva’s aspirations for the environment did not come to fruition during her time in office, she was not incompetent.

To suggest that her struggles to pass legislation were handicapped by her lacklustre ability to advance a pro-environment agenda ignores the real problem in Brazil: the lack of adequate support necessary to defend the environment within every government agency, not just Ms Silva’s. Brazil’s business lobbyists work tirelessly to promote commercial interests that continually slash the forests.

Lula must hope that his new appointee, Carlos Minc, can quickly achieve success against formidable odds and before deforestation levels reach new heights.